Understanding the Witching Hour in babies

Have you heard about the "witching hour"? It’s a term used to describe a challenging time, usually in the late afternoon or evening, when babies become irritable, fussy, and difficult to soothe. It often occurs between 5 p.m. and midnight, though it can vary from baby to baby. It's a common in the first few months after birth. Why does it happen? No one really knows but we speculate it’s from:

🗝️Overstimulation: Throughout the day, babies accumulate sensory input from their environment. By the evening, they may become overwhelmed and find it challenging to settle

🗝️Tiredness: Babies get overtired by the end of the day, making it harder for them to relax and fall asleep. They often need one more cat nap before bed, usually coinciding with your dinner time

🗝️Developmental Changes: Babies often have growth spurts and developmental leaps, which can make them more unsettled during certain periods

🗝️Cluster Feeding: Babies often cluster feed at this time as it coincides with when milk volumes are at their lowest during the day


📌Learn baby’s natural rhythms. Many babies need shorter naps and more frequent feedings in the afternoon and evening

📌Reduce Stimulation: As the evening approaches, create a calm and quiet environment. Dim the lights and lower noise levels

📌Provide comfort to your baby through gentle rocking, swaying, babywearing and Skin-to-skin contact

📌Feed: Cluster feeding is common. However, if baby normally latches and refuses to latch, they most likely don’t want to feed, even if you can get them to take a bottle

📌Stay Calm:  this is temporary and resolve as your baby grows.

📌While common, it's essential to trust your gut. If your baby's fussiness seems excessive or is accompanied by other symptoms like fever or persistent crying, consult your pediatrician to rule out any underlying issues.

In conclusion, while the witching hour can be exhausting for parents, it's a normal phase of infant development. By understanding the triggers and implementing strategies to soothe your baby, you can navigate through this period with patience and confidence. Remember, you're not alone in this journey of parenthood!