According to the CDC’s new guidelines, here is how best to care for your pump parts:
- Wash your hands before using your pump, and use disinfectant wipes to clean the outside of your pump.
- After every use, take apart the pump parts and rinse them under running water. Don’t put them directly in the sink!
- Clean your pump parts as soon as possible with hot, soapy water in a wash basin and brush used only for cleaning pump parts, or in the dishwasher.
- Rinse in fresh water (don’t put them back in the same basin).
- Air dry on a clean dish towel, but don’t rub the parts with the towel as this could spread germs.
- Rinse your basin and brush, and leave them to air dry. Clean them as well at least every few days.
- If you’re using the dishwasher, place on a hot water and heated drying cycle, or a sanitize cycle. Wash your hands before taking out the parts, and allow them to air dry.
- Store items in a clean, protected area only after they’re completely dry.
- For the full article, click here.