Baby wearing doesn’t replace tummy time

While baby wearing and tummy time offer unique benefits, they are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they complement each other in promoting a well-rounded approach to infant development:

Muscle Development: Tummy time strengthens specific muscle groups needed for crawling and overall physical development. Baby wearing, meanwhile, supports muscle tone and posture by providing a secure and ergonomic position.

Emotional Bonding: Both activities promote emotional bonding and security, albeit in different ways. Baby wearing satisfies a baby's need for closeness and comfort, while tummy time encourages independence and exploration within a safe environment.

Variety of Stimulation: Alternating between baby wearing and tummy time exposes infants to diverse sensory and motor experiences, which are essential for holistic development.

In summary, incorporating both baby wearing and tummy time into a baby's routine ensures comprehensive support for their physical, emotional, and cognitive development. Each activity offers unique advantages that contribute to a well-rounded and enriched infancy.