Bottle Feeding Skills: Refining Clinical Reasoning for Selection and Use

I teach this course for The Lactation OT
Participants will be able to:
- Examine differences between normal and abnormal infant sucking and latching
- Compare different bottle aspects and their appropriateness for a variety of infant populations
- Analyze information from functional feeding assessment to determine the most appropriate bottle based on the individualized needs of the infant
- Identify common roadblocks in bottle feeding human milk while protecting the breastfeeding relationship and consumption of human milk
- Examine differences in sensory regulation and impact on bottle feeding infants
This dynamic, extensive course is for physical, occupational, and speech therapists as well as IBCLC lactation consultants working with babies. We do a very deep dive into the anatomy and physiology of the swallow both at the breast and from a bottle to help understand the differences between the two. This understanding lays the foundation for how to clinically help families chose the best bottle system that optimizes infant feeding, even if breastfeeding is the goal!

Introduction to Breastfeeding: for the Lactation Informed Therapist

Participants will be able to:
- Identify the anatomical components of the breast and the physiological impact of milk production
- Recall different positional considerations for the infant and parent to improve functional latch and efficient feeding
- List assistive devices to aid in latching based on findings from feeding evaluation
For speech, physical, and occupational therapists who are curious about crossing into the breastfeeding world to help infant feeding in a different capacity than what was taught at graduate school. This looks into the second patient that needs to be treated: the parent.

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Infant Frenectomy Protocol
The Infant Frenectomy Protocol advocates for establishing optimal oral motor function and tongue posture early on to support feeding, breathing, sleeping, and speaking habits as babies grow.
This extensive protocol focuses on collaborative & aligned care - avoiding overdiagnosis, overtreatment and overwhelm.
Overall Course Objectives:
- To provide research-backed, mindfulness-based information to allow for best treatment practices and outcomes
- To encourage practitioners to shift away from outdated concepts and verbiage that isn’t serving the positive progression of our field and instead expand upon new thought processes
- To help practitioners build confidence in their communication and collaborative care efforts
- To inspire others to reconsider just going through the motions… it’s time to take ownership over our protocols
- To take a careful, conservative approach in assessment and treatment so we can stand by collaborative care that is indicated, and avoid overdiagnosis, over-treatment and overwhelm
- Impact of tongue function on eating, breathing, sleeping, mood, digestion
In this course, I teach basic oral anatomy and the physiology of the swallow as it relates to oral restrictions. We also discuss the difference between breast and bottle feeding swallow as it relates to oral restrictions. We do not discuss bottle selection or management of breast or bottle aversions or refusal.
Ready to find out more?
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