Did you know up until 2010 most people didn’t even own a breast pump? You either breastfed until you weaned or bottle fed formula. The Affordable Care Act signed in 2010 changed the game by saying insurance had to provide lactating parents a breast pump. Before that, most parents didn’t own a pump as they were quite expensive and there were only a limited amount on the market. You may have had one if your baby was in the NICU. Our mothers and grandmother certainly didn’t own a pump.

If breastfeeding is going well there is no need to have a freezer stash. Having milk in the freezer is a nice security, but if you’re usually with your baby or gone for only a short while occasionally, there is no need to have a stash. Having the right stash for your family means having enough stashed for when you’re away from your baby. If you’re gone for one feeding, you only need one feeding worth of milk. If you’re gone 2-3 feedings, you need 2-3 feedings worth of milk. If your baby is being bottle feeding while you’re away, you would pump while you’re gone to tell your body the milk is needed. That milk then becomes the stash for the next time that you’re gone. If you want to have a big stash, great!!! You can absolutely have that as an option. Just don’t feel pressured from other people’s journeys on social media to have something you may not need or use. I’ve had several moms who spent countless hours pumping and stashing only to have to donate or throw out the milk stash because they never used it and it was going to expire. I’ve also had several moms who thought you had to have a stash and were relieved to know they didn’t! Do what is best for you and your baby and not based off of anyone else. You’ve got this. Trust your body. Trust your baby.