Milk is a liquid. And it obviously flows like a liquid. Have you ever sprayed your baby in the face from milk that flows too fast during let down? Have you ever been concerned with how fast or slow your milk seems to flow in any given feeding or pump session?
Did you know the breast is like a tree inside? With lots of lobes at the back of the breast that funnel down through milk ducts to fewer nipple pores at the front? The flow of your milk is impacted by multiple things. One of the biggest things to impact how your milk flows is your unique breast anatomy.
🌳Everyone has a different number of milk making lobes, also known as alveoli. These lobes are connected to your blood steam, because milk is made from nutrients in your blood. Oxytocin triggers contractions of the lobes to release milk down your milk ducts
🌴The length and diameter of the ducts play a role in how quickly milk goes from where it is made to the baby.
🌲The viscosity, or thickness, of your milk can slow down or speed up milk flow. This viscosity can change from feeding to feeding depending on many factors. Many will take sunflower lethicin to thin their milk (keep the fat from sticking) to help speed up milk flow and reduce the risk of the milk fat sticking in the ducts and causing plugged ducts
🎄How dense or elastic your breast tissue is contributes to flow rate.
Your body and your anatomy is unique. Milk production or how milk is made in the breast is not the same for every person. If you’re struggling with making or releasing milk to your baby, schedule a consultation to figure out why and develop an individualized plan that works for your anatomy.