Day 1-3 |
5-15mL per feeding: 8-11 times in 24 hours |
Day 4-Week 2 |
1-2oz per feeding: 8-16 times in 24 hours |
Weeks 2-3 |
1-3oz per feeding: 8-16 times in 24 hours (15-24oz per day based on baby’s weight) |
Months 1-6 |
2-5oz per feeding: 6-12 times in 24 hours (22-32oz per day) |
Months 6-11 |
2-6oz per feeding: 5-11 times in 24 hours (22-32oz per day) |
Months 12-24 |
14-19oz per day: Per family lifestyle |
Months 24-36 |
10-12oz per day: Per individual toddler |
Individual feeding times and volumes vary by unique individual www.lalactation.com
Baby’s weight |
Breast milk needed per 24 hours in ounces |
5 pounds |
12.5 oz |
6 pounds |
15 oz |
7 pounds |
17.5 oz |
8 pounds |
20 oz |
9 pounds |
22.5 oz |
10 pounds |
25oz |
11 pounds |
27.5 oz |
12 pounds |
30 oz |
*Calculations are based on 2.5oz of milk per pound of body weight which is the total volume in 24 hours baby needs to grow. Daily milk intake will vary +/- www.lalactation.com
Babies are born at different weightsBabies are born at different weights. The smaller a baby is, the less milk they need each 24 hour period. As they grow, milk supply slowly increases to meet these growing nutritional needs. Pediatricians and lactation consultant calculate milk volume needs at 2.5 ounces per pound a baby weighs. So a 6 pound baby needs about 15oz a day to grow. They will gain about 1/2 a pound a week, so each week they need just about 1oz more of milk. This is why babies cluster feed as they age. Those little clusters of feeding help slowly and gradually increase your milk supply.
The calculation of ounces per pound doesn’t last for long. Once baby reaches around 10 pounds, usually some where around 6-8 weeks depending on baby’s birth weight, milk volumes steady out and baby will need approximately 24-30oz in 24 hours. How much they take per feeding is dependent on how often they are feeding. They need to take less milk per feeding the more often they feed. These charts are a visual reference for those milk volume needs. Remember individuals volumes vary by individuals. These are guidelines based on decades of research. If your baby is not gaining weight, usually more milk is needed. If you’re struggling to figure out how much to feed baby, schedule a private lactation consultation.