Slacker boob, AKA “shitty titty”, is the way some breastfeeding parents refer to one breast producing less milk than the other. It's important to note that breast milk production can naturally vary between breasts, and having one breast that seems to produce less milk doesn't necessarily indicate a problem. 70% of us naturally make more milk on the right side due to asymmetries in our anatomy! Breasts can have different storage capacities and respond differently to the baby's nursing patterns.
Factors such as latch quality, frequency of nursing, and hormonal fluctuations can influence milk supply. In some cases, a perceived difference in milk production might be due to variations in the baby's sucking efficiency or preference for one breast over the other.
Here are some strategies for dealing with your lower producing side:
⭐️Frequent Nursing: Ensure that baby nurses more frequently on the slacker side. Start with that side a little more often and use it as the pacification boob.
⭐️Switch Nursing: Alternate between breasts during a single feeding session, starting with the slacker side. This encourages more thorough draining of the breast and signals your body to produce more milk.
⭐️Pump After Feedings: After breastfeeding, consider pumping on the slacker side for an additional 10-15 minutes. This can help to fully empty the breast and signal your body to produce more milk.
⭐️Breast Massage and Compression: During breastfeeding or pumping, use breast massage and compression techniques. Gently massage the breast from the back down to the front and compress it to help express more milk.
⭐️Hydration and Nutrition: Stay well-hydrated and maintain a balanced diet rich in nutrients. Proper nutrition is essential for optimal milk production.
⭐️Comfortable Latching: Ensure that your baby is latching well on the slacker side. A proper latch helps the baby effectively remove milk from the breast.
⭐️Consult with a Lactation Consultant: If you're struggling with milk supply imbalances, seek guidance from a lactation consultant such as myself. I am available for virtual and in person consultations and have worked with families all over the world. Finding a local ibclc lactation consultant can assess your breastfeeding technique, provide personalized advice, and address any specific concerns.
Remember that breastfeeding is a dynamic process, and milk supply can fluctuate throughout the day. If you have persistent concerns about milk supply or notice significant differences between your breasts, consulting with a healthcare professional or a lactation consultant is recommended for personalized support.