How Do I Know I'm Making Enough Milk?
The number one concern of every mother is if they are making enough milk for their baby. There is a less than 1% chance of a mother not making enough milk for her baby. The most common reasons for a mother to not make enough milk is a thyroid or hormone deficiency or a lack of glandular tissue in the breast. A mother may be able to make plenty of milk, but if the baby is not efficient at transferring the milk from the breast, the breast will stop producing milk. Reasons for inefficient transfer include tongue and/or lip tie, prematurity, uncoordinated oral skills, or tortecollis. For more information on making enough milk, click the link below:
Find me on Instagram @lalactation for more tips, tricks and strategies to increase your milk supply.
Normal Milk Production
What is normal? Just like we as adult some times want a cookie and other times want a full turkey dinner, babies also snack and dine at the breast. One of the most common misconceptions is that babies need to eat an exact volume at every feeding. For more facts on normal breastfeeding, click the link below:
Click here for my video on how to manage plugged ducts: Plugged Ducts

Tongue Tie
Tongue Tie effects 3-10% of the population and is the number one factor I see in my practice for interruptions in breastfeeding. With proper diagnosis and treatment, in most cases breastfeeding can resume as normal. Please see the following links for more information on tongue tie:

A bodyworker is any skilled and trained professional that uses hands-on or manual therapy such as chiropractic, craniosacral therapy, physical or occupational therapy and massage. Babies who benefit from bodywork include those with birth trauma or abnormal intrauterine positioning, tongue tie, tension in the body making latch difficult or painful, and head turn preferences. Please see the following link for a list of preferred bodyworkers in the greater Los Angeles area:

Local Resources
Being a new parent is challenging. Some times you need other resources. Here are the best resources in Los Angeles, including mental health workers, breast specialists, and mommy/parent groups.
I've been co-writing articles for WikiHow. Check them out here:
Cluster Feeding
How to Become a Lactation Consultant
How to Mix Formula and Breast Milk
High Lipase in Breast Milk
Hand Expression
How to Freeze Breast Milk
How to Feed a Premature Baby
Six Different Breastfeeding Positions
How to Take Medications While Breastfeeding
This website was developed to provide evidence-based information on breastfeeding and parenting. The author is a mother of three lovely children and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). The articles are insightful and accurate.

Dr. Ghaheri
Dr. Ghaheri is one of the leading experts on tongue and lip tie. His clinical interest is helping babies with breastfeeding difficulties. This desire stems from personal experiences, where both of his daughters had significant problems breastfeeding. He is one of the only ENT surgeons in the US who uses an in-office laser treatment for assisting babies to latch on to the breast, in addition to treating older children and adults for certain dental and speech issues. His website is full of accurate information on diagnosing and treating tongue and lip tie.