Cabbage is not just for Cole slaw. Did you know that cabbage leaves have been used for decades to help reduce breast engorgement? A handful of studies have shown that placing a chilled green cabbage leaf against the breast has been effective to reduce breast swelling and pain. It is suspected that the compounds found in the plant leaves have strong anti-inflammatory properties that help improve blood flow, decrease swelling, and allow milk to flow more freely.
Using Cabbage Leaves for Engorgement:
✏️Chill the cabbage, green cabbages are best
✏️Wash off one or two inner leaves, be mindful to remove any dirt, pesticides or residue
✏️Gently pat dry with a towel
✏️Crush the center stem for maximum potency
✏️Wrap a leaf around the affected area of the breast, exposing the nipple when possible.
✏️Use a bra or lose wrap to hold the leaves in place
✏️Leave for 20 minutes
✏️Discard the leaves
✏️Cautions:20 minutes seems to be for most the right amount of time
✏️Repeat no more than 1-2 times a day for engorgement, as cabbage leaves used more often can actually decrease milk supply!
✏️This process is also used for weaning breast milk, such as when quick weaning is needed or when mothers are done breastfeeding.