Will nipple piercings impact breastfeeding? Every body is different in how it reacts to taking out the jewelry out prior to breastfeeding. Just like with pierced ears, some of us will have the hole scar closed, the scar may partially close, or it could stay open for years and never have a problem sticking jewelry in and out at whim. Often the longer the time since the piercings were initially placed the better the outcome as the nipple has had time to properly heal. Common concerns may include nerve damage that impacts milk let down or scarring that prevents the milk from leaving the nipple. On the other hand, the extra holes created by the piercings could lead to a faster milk flow! (which some infants struggle to manage while others do just fine with). If the nipple pores have scarred shut, the breast may be able to make milk but it may not be able to exit from the nipple. This can lead to plugged ducts and mastitis. If the nerves have been damaged, the breast may make milk in the early days or weeks after delivery, but without the nerve impulse the breast will make less and less milk with time, even with all the herbs and quality pumping and efficient baby. Because our bodies are not perfectly symmetrical, some may have a problem on one side and not both. Some have no problem at all. We don’t know what your body is going to do and it cannot be predicted prior to birth. If your
Breastfeeding with the nipple jewelry in place is never recommended as it can make it difficult for the infant to latch-on correctly, increases the risk of choking on loose or dislodged jewelry, and can damage the inside of the baby’s mouth. If you are going to take your jewelry in and out every feeding, make sure you are being extremely careful with hand washing and jewelry sanitizing to reduce the risk of infection. Best practice says take the piercings out for the entirety of your breastfeeding journey. Many go on to successfully with pierced nipples, but if you’re having any problems or concerns, see a lactation consultant such as myself. For more of my thoughts on nipple piercings and breastfeeding, click here to check out my YouTube video