Feeding “advice” we would never tell an adult:
⌚️It hasn’t been 3 hours yet. You can’t possibly be hungry again
⏱It hasn’t been 3 hours yet. You can’t possibly be thirsty again.
🧊You need to drink all 64oz of your daily water intake in 4 equally portioned cups. If you can’t drink 16 ounces in one sitting, something is wrong with you.
🍽Clean plate club. Finish everything on your plate regardless of how full your stomach feels.
🍏Eat food purely for their nutritional value. 🍦Never have food simply for the comfort or enjoyment of it.
🔦Eat alone in a dark room and never with anyone else
💡How could you get so distracted while eating? Focus and pay attention.
🪑Eat until you’re done then leave the table immediately. Don’t hang out at the table for longer than needed.
🛌Never eat a bed time snack
🛏Wake up in the middle of the night thirsty? Too bad. Go back to bed you can have some water in the morning
⏰You have 15 minutes to eat. Tic toc. When the clock hits 15 you need to stop whether you’re done or not
🍴3 meals, 2 snacks. That’s it. 7, 9, 12, 3 and 5. Hungry or thirsty at a different time? Here’s a pen cap to chew on
🍔There’s only one way to eat and if you don’t eat like me and my family you’re doing it wrong
Do you get where I’m going here? Too often we analyze the science of breastfeeding instead of considering the art of feeding and eating. We try to make a literal formula for how our baby should eat when some times we have to appreciate feeding for what it is: an enjoyable and pleasurable sensory experience that is social and includes more than just calorie intake.