Milk Blebs or Blisters

Managing a milk bleb (also known as a milk blister) can be uncomfortable, but there are effective ways to address it. Here are steps to help manage and treat a milk bleb:

🤱🏽Frequent Nursing: Continue breastfeeding frequently to keep milk flowing and prevent further blockages. Start nursing on the affected side first to ensure thorough drainage.

🤱🏼Proper Latch: Ensure your baby has a proper latch to prevent friction and irritation that can contribute to milk blebs. Change your feeding position to have baby’s mouth come from a different angle to the bleb

❤️‍🔥Warm Compresses: Apply a warm, moist compress to the affected nipple before nursing or pumping. This can help soften the bleb and promote milk flow.

👐🏼Gentle Massage: Gently massage the area around the bleb while breastfeeding or pumping to help clear the blockage. Be careful not to cause additional irritation.

🌦️Soak in Warm Water: Soak your nipple in warm water mixed with a little Epsom salt. This can help reduce inflammation and soften the skin.

🫒Olive or Coconut Oil: Apply a small amount of oil to the nipple to soften the skin and make it easier to remove the bleb.

⚔️Avoid popping it with a needle as this can increase your risk of infection.

🩹Antibiotic Ointment: For persistent or painful blebs, contact your healthcare provider and ask for a prescription of triamcinolone cream .

🥑Stay Hydrated and Healthy**: Maintain good hydration and a balanced diet to support overall health and effective milk production.

🤱🏽Consult a Lactation Consultant: If milk blebs are recurrent or particularly painful, consult a lactation consultant for personalized advice and support.

Always ensure good hygiene, wash your hands before touching your breasts, and keep your nipples clean and dry. If you experience persistent pain, signs of infection, or recurring blebs, seek medical advice promptly.