👩🏽🦳University of Utah researchers looked at 59,000 birth records from 1800-1979 and found that moms of twins tend to live longer than moms without twins.
👥Fraternal and identical twins are the most common types of twins. Other rare twin types include “half identical twins” (when the egg splits first and then each half is fertilized) and mirror image twins (Meaning they are exact reflections of one another. For example, if one has a freckle under the left eye, the other’s freckle will be under the right eye.).
🫂You can also have twins with two different fathers. Known as heteropaternal superfecundation, occasionally two eggs are released during ovulation and then the woman gets impregnated by two different men at the same time. About 1 to 2% of all fraternal twins have different dads
🖐🏿Identical twins don’t have identical fingerprints.
🍔When breastfeeding, you normally need to eat an extra 300-500 calories. It takes captures to make calories. Twin moms need to consume an extra 600-1000 calories per day!!
Twins share a unique bond that starts in utero. 👭Twins have been shown to interact with each other as early as 14 weeks gestation during ultrasounds.
🔄When breastfeeding twins it’s important to remember to switch which breast you offer each baby. Each breast has its own flow, flavor, and milk supply. Switching which one you start with helps keep breasts balanced and gives each baby equal opportunity if there is a more robust supply on one side than the other
🏈 There are many breastfeeding positions that still work for twins. Football and koala tend to be the easiest when babies are small to get a deep latch when feeding tandem. You can also practice with one baby at a time to make sure they learn how to properly latch before attempting tandem.
🛌 There are twin breastfeeding pillows that can make positioning and feeding easier.