One of the coolest things about breast milk? Your milk volumes adjust to meet baby’s growth! But milk volumes don’t just keep going up forever—they follow a natural pattern of increasing, leveling off, and then gradually decreasing as solids take center stage.
Weeks 1–6: The Build-Up Phase
🥛Newborns start with tiny tummies—think 5–7 mL (a teaspoon!) per feeding in the first days.
🥛By week 1, they take in 1–2 oz per feeding (about 10–20 oz per day) to help them regain their birth weight
🥛By week 2–4, intake increases to 2–3 oz per feeding and we calculate milk needs by weight: Babies typically take 2.5 oz per pound of body weight per day, maxing out around 24–30 oz per day for most babies. A 7# baby needs less milk than a 10# baby. Most babies have several weeks of cluster feeding to get your body to slowly increase supply to reach your max
Weeks 6–6 Months: The Plateau
⏰Around 4–6 weeks, milk volume stabilizes! Your baby will likely continue taking 24–30 oz per day with little change until solids are well established.
⏰There is a range because everyone’s calorie count in their unique milk is different! Unlike formula which is a standard 20 calories per ounce, breast milk can range from 16-32 calories per ounce!!
6–12 Months: Gradual Decrease
🥕As solids become a bigger part of the diet, total milk intake may dip slightly (closer to 20–24 oz per day by 9–12 months)
🥝Some babies still drink more, some less—it’s all about how quickly solids become the main event
After 12 Months: Milk Becomes a Side Dish
👧🏽Around the first birthday, breast milk intake gradually decreases as table foods provide most of the nutrition
👧🏻Many toddlers still nurse several times a day (or just for comfort), but total intake is often 16–20 oz per day or even less
đź’ˇ Key Takeaways:
✔️ Watch your baby for their own optimal growth. How old they are and how much they weigh do play a role in milk needs
✔️ Everyone makes milk tailored to their own baby. It’s ok to see milk volumes fluctuate and even decrease with time
✔️ Babies don’t need more and more milk forever—your body adjusts milk composition instead!
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