True or false: Pumping or breastfeeding makes your boobs sag. False. Neither pumping nor breastfeeding makes droopy boobies. A study done in 2008 concluded that the risk of breast ptosis, aka sagging, increases with each pregnancy, but has no correlation to breastfeeding (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/19083576/)
Many things can cause drooping:
* Gravity: can’t fight it. While pulling your breasts down, it strains and stretches the ligaments that support your breasts
* Breast Size and Shape: Smaller breasts with a rounder bottom tend to hold their shape better than larger or narrow breasts. Larger breasts lose the battle to gravity more
* Body Mass Index: a higher BMI tends to equal larger breasts
* Weight Loss or Gain: Gaining or losing a lot of weight, especially quickly like in pregnancy, can change the shape of breasts and stretch/shrink the skin surrounding them.
* Smoking: causes skin to lose elasticity
* Genetics: family genes play a part in size and shape or breasts, the strength of the ligaments supporting breasts, and body weight
* Number of Pregnancies: The more babes you have, the more stretched out your breasts will be
* Exercise Without Support: puts extra strain on the breast ligaments, leading to stretching of the ligaments and sagging of the breasts
* Age: it’s just a normal part of life
With many factors that contribute to sagging, you can't completely prevent it. Some things you can do to try to keep your breasts from sinking south as long as possible:
* Good posture. When you slouch and have poor posture, gravity wins
* Healthy weight. Eat a well-balanced diet, get some exercise, and try not to gain/lose weight too quickly
* Hydrate. Keep your skin healthy and hydrated to try to preserve its elasticity
* Don't smoke
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