Breasts are made of a network of ducts, covered by a layer of fatty tissue. Breast size doesn’t indicate the number of ducts you have. A small breast and a large breast could actually have the same number of ducts and the same milk capacity (the amount of milk a breast can make and store at any given time) A breast with a small milk capacity can make plenty of milk to feed baby, but needs emptied more frequently to maintain milk supply. Think of milk capacity like cups. If you as an adult need to drink 64oz of water in a day and you have an 8oz cup, you need 8 cups a day to get what you need. If you have a 16oz cup, you only need 4 cups. But if your cup is 2oz, you need to drink 32 cups to get what you need. It’s is a similar principle for babies and boobies. Those with a smaller storage capacity in the breast need to empty more frequently to tell the body to make more milk. And they may also have to feed over night longer to maintain supply. I would not expect someone with a very small capacity to pump 6-8 ounces in a pump session (although it can totally happen!!!!).

🔑 A small storage capacity is some one who makes 1-2oz per feeding. Their babies often want to feed every 1-2 hours.
🔑 A typical storage capacity (what the majority have) is making 2-4oz every 2-4 hours. The body makes about an ounce per hour.
🔑 A large supply is making 4-6oz every 2-4 hours.
🔑 A robust supply is making 6+oz every 2-4 hours and this is usually for those with twins or are using the Haakaa or pumping a lot