Parenting is hard work

Being a parent is hands down one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Being a breastfeeding parent waking up for cumulative years for MOTN feedings while being a working mom added sleep deprivation. Pair that with grief over multiple miscarriages and losing my mom to brain cancer while pregnant with Peach and I was a big ball of postpartum depression and anxiety. I am not posting this for sympathy. I’m posting this because you’re not alone in doing hard things. And feeling hard feelings. Being a parent (and breastfeeding) isn’t always the glamourous screen shot seen on social media. It’s raw and gritty and smelly and hard. And you’re not alone. I see you and all the work you’re putting in to feed your baby and stay level. Keep going. I’ve found for me being able to admit I’m in a hard spot, grieving, lost expectations is actually what helps me keep my sanity and start to get the help I need. Don’t give up on a hard day. Reach out for help. You’re not alone.