Ways to naturally boost milk supply without taking any herbs or supplements:

Ways to naturally boost milk supply without taking any herbs or supplements:

⌛️Empty the breast more often. The more you empty to either baby or pump the more you’ll make!

🕰Feed on demand and not by the clock.

🤱🏽Keep baby in skin to skin contact with you, even as an older baby. This contact has a hormone reaction to naturally increase supply at any age.

💦Drink more water (at least 10-12 glasses per day)

🥗Eat between 2100-2500 calories per day of high quality protein, low in sugar and processed foods

🍷Drink alcohol and caffeine in moderation, and make sure to drink extra water if you do a both dehydrate and can decrease milk supply

🍆Have sex! The same hormone released during orgasm causes milk to be released for let down. Having sex naturally raises the level of this hormone in your body for 24 hours, making it easier to let down milk the next day!

🏝Relax and have a calm routine during pumping. Stress and distraction can inhibit milk let down for some even when there’s plenty of milk in the breast.

🎧Listen to music and place heat on your breasts while pumping. Several research studies have found by doing these things moms can pump up to 30% more milk!

📏Make sure you’re pumping with the correct flange size.

🛌When possible, avoid sleep training. Letting baby wake at night helps keep your milk supply naturally high as milk making hormones are highest at night.

💊Be careful you’re not taking any medications that drop supply like hormonal birth control, antihistamines and antibiotics.