What can cause a late onset decreased milk supply?
1.The mother is pregnant again. Milk supply decreases during pregnancy. Domperidone will not work when the mother is pregnant.
2.The mother is taking some hormonal birth control method (pill including progestin only pill, IUD, etc)
3.The mother is breastfeeding on only one side at a feeding or “block feeding” (several feedings in a row on the same breast, used to treat “overabundant milk ejection, “overabundant milk supply”). I have posted on “block feeding” previously.
4.Some medications other than hormones can decrease the milk supply (antihistamines for example).
5.Can an emotional shock decrease the milk supply? Possible but unusual in our experience.
6.Blocked ducts/mastitis as well as any febrile illness may decrease the milk supply.
7.The use of bottles more than occasionally can very much decrease the milk supply.
8.”Overdoing it”. It’s time that others do most of the usual chores that fall on women’s shoulders.
9.An “abundant milk supply” associated with a less than “ideal” latch. In this situation, the milk flows into the baby’s mouth with little participation of the baby. The baby may often choke while breastfeeding, especially when the mother has a milk ejection reflex. A tongue tie is a common cause of a baby having a less than “ideal” latch and can be a significant cause of late onset decreased milk supply even if neither the mother or the baby had problems early on.
This problem of late onset decreased milk supply and accompanying symptoms is typically the problem of the mother who once had an abundant milk supply and milk supply may still be quite good, but less than it once was.