Do you some time feel like baby is constantly feeding? As long as breastfeeding is pain free, baby is making 6+ wet and consistent poops and gaining weight over time, everything is going as it should!! The more baby removes milk from the breast, the higher your supply actually is!!
Myth: If baby wants to feed more frequently than normal, and is super fussy, it means I don’t have enough milk or my milk is drying up.
Fact: babies want to be at the breast for all kinds of reasons: hunger, thirst, boredom, comfort, pain relief, for sickness/feeling unwell, when they’re grumpy, soothing, sleep, because they’re a baby. Babies are constantly going through growth spurts and requires more food. By the time they go through multiple growth spurts it’s time to teethe. By feeding more frequently they are meeting their caloric needs while helping you increase your supply while being comforted and getting some sleep. Make sure you’re getting enough rest, sleep, hydration and food to meet this increased demand.
If breastfeeding is established and going well (you’re past 2-3 weeks and you have an established milk supply), don’t be so quick to always blame the breast for baby’s fussiness. And don’t withhold the breast because of the clock or some other “schedule” baby “needs to follow” because “the book said...” trust your body. Trust your baby. When in doubt, boob out.
Conversely, do you feel your older baby doesn’t nurse enough? Like they used to feed every 2-3 hours for 20-30 minutes and now they feed for only a few minutes? Babies 3+ months are more efficient at breastfeeding. How quickly can you drink a glass of water? Normally we don’t chug it quickly, but we can. As babies learn there’s an exciting world out there, they can some times feed really quickly to get back to what they were doing. Don’t be surprised if your older baby has quick feeds.
Myth: my baby needs to eat 15 minutes on each side
Fact: every baby feeds in their own unique way. Some can take a full feeding in just a few minutes and others like to hang out at the breast.
Learn your baby. If they’re making good wet and dirty diapers and happy, let them feed in their own way