Smoking and breastfeeding

Smoking and breastfeeding. In a nut shell: try to quit or decrease smoking when breastfeeding, but it’s better to breastfeed while smoking than to formula feed and continue to smoke

Smoking can cause low milk supply/milk let-down issues for you and your baby is at increased risk of colic, poor weight gain, respiratory infections, and SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Your milk does not eliminate these risks but does significantly lower them compared to formula. Breastfeeding also helps protect babies from the potential risks of environmental smoke.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) removed nicotine from its list of “contraindicated” substances during breastfeeding. An AAP statement issued in 2001 says, in part:

“One study reported that, among women who continue to smoke throughout breastfeeding, the incidence of acute respiratory illness is decreased among their infants, compared with infants of mothers who bottle fed. It may be that breastfeeding and smoking is less detrimental to the child than bottle feeding and smoking.”

If you do continue to smoke:

⏱️Wait as much time as possible between smoking and breastfeeding to lower the amount of nicotine in your milk

🧯Smoke right after breastfeeding and away from baby. Change your clothes and wash your hands before coming back to care for your baby’s. Have other smokers do the same

🚬E-cigs and vapes may have the same risks. There is limited research about the safety and health effects of e-cigarettes.

⚖️Monitor baby’s weight gain

Tummy time and breastfeeding

Tummy Time is one of baby’s first exercises! It is a crucial exercise for baby’s motor, visual, and sensory development. We’re encouraging baby to use their core strength and rotate their head from side to side. It also helps with digestion and frequent tummy time helps baby poop. It is not only an important way to prevent flat spots on baby’s head, it is also an important part of baby’s normal growth and development. The womb is an incredibly tight place, especially if baby made it to term or you have a short torso and there wasn’t much space for stretching. Long vaginal labors with extended pushing phases can leave baby with lots of tension in the head, neck and shoulders. Getting baby into different positions really should start from birth to help relieve this tension. Too much tension can impact breastfeeding, which often looks like baby arching at the breast or having a side preference because it’s uncomfortable to feed in certain positions from tension on the neck. Laying baby flat on their back too often will impact the shape of their head, which in turn influences brain growth. Baby can begin tummy time as a newborn and increase time as they age and develop.

Tummy time doesn’t mean you need to plunk your baby down on a mat and engage them with black and white drawings with a timer set. It can look like wearing your baby in a ring sling or structured carrier, napping with your baby laying on your chest, or even like this, with baby across your lap. This is a great position for you if you’re needing to pump but baby wants to be on your body. You can still sway or move and give baby some gentle pats to help calm them or transition them to sleep. This is a safe place and position for them to nap if you stay awake, as you can monitor the baby for the duration of their sleep. 


For more information on tummy time, check out @tummytimemethod

Drinking and Breastfeeding

Milk is made from your blood, so what you drink can impact your milk supply. 

💦 How much water should you be drinking? There are some ridiculous answers out there. If your breast milk production has decreased, helpful people may suggest that you chug tons of water. Your lack of water intake may contribute to but is not completely responsible for your supply drop. Drinking too much water can inadvertently harm your milk supply

💦 When you drink too much water, your body tries to restore the electrolyte balance in your body by dumping the excess water into your urine. This results in water being diverted away from your breasts, which in turn decreases your milk supply. Water dense foods can also be just as hydrating as plain water from the tap. 

💦 You will lose up to 30oz of water through your breast milk to your baby; so do try to drink 8-12 glasses of water a day

☕️ Coffee is safe to drink: 300-500mg of caffeine per day max

☕️ Younger babies (< 6 months), preterm and medically fragile babies process caffeine slower and they may be sensitive to it. 

☕️ If you consistently drank coffee during pregnancy you baby is already used to caffeine

☕️ It takes 15-20 minutes for coffee to hit your bloodstream and is usually completely gone by 4-7 hours. So if you’re concerned or having it for the first time after birth, either breastfeed baby first and then have your coffee or have it while breastfeeding

🍷 According to the CDC, moderate alcohol (up to 1 standard drink per day) is not known to be harmful to baby

🥂 Less than 2% of alcohol reaches breastmilk and typically peaks within 1/2-1 hour after consumption *however* factors such as food, weight & body fat need to be considered

🥂 Alcohol does not accumulate but leaves breastmilk as it leaves the bloodstream. There is no need to pump and dump when consuming limited amounts of alcohol

🥂 If you are feeling like you NEED to consume large amounts of alcohol regularly, speaking to a qualified professional is admirable and a very good option


Is it ok to have alcohol and breastfeed? The short answer is yes, in moderation. No, you don’t need to pump and dump for 1 standard drink. Yes, those alcohol testing milk strips are kinda dumb. 

Alcohol passes freely into breast milk and peaks around 30-60 minutes after consumption (60-90 minutes if you drink with food) so what you would breathalyze you would “breastalyze”. This does not mean your milk has an much alcohol as you consumed or as a straight up alcoholic beverage. It means you milk has the same amount of alcohol as your blood. For instance, if your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is 0.10 (or 0.10%, 1/10 of 1 percent) from drinking, you breast milk has 0.10% alcohol in it. In comparison, a typical beer has 4.5% alcohol, a glass of wine has 15% alcohol, and a shot of vodka has 40% alcohol. 

Let’s interpret that: if you breastfeed while you’re having your first drink, your baby will most likely be finished feeding before the alcohol hits your system. There’s no need to pump and dump your milk. Only time clears the alcohol from your system. If you’re breastfeeding a newborn, premature or medically compromised infant, you’ll want to be more cautious of the alcohol you consume and may want to consider waiting longer to breastfeed than an older baby. Such a small portion of alcohol gets into your milk, if you have an older baby and have only had one drink there’s really no need to wait to pump or feed. 

If you want to have an occasional drink, I will never judge you!!! Go for it!! If you need alcohol, large quantities or alcohol or are struggling with alcohol, please find a qualified counselor to work with ❤️ 🍻

Pumping is not an indication of milk supply

Hey you!!! Yes, you, the one pumping milk at 2am. Just a reminder pumping volumes are not a true indicator of your milk supply and don’t determine your work as a parent. There are many factors that go in to how much you can pump. Pump quality, the flanges you’re using, how you’re setting up the pump session, how long it was since your last session, time of day, medications, and where you’re at on your period all play a role in how much milk you will see in the bottles. 

Pumps were designed after babies and not the other way around. And they’re not usually as efficient as an efficiently feeding baby. A baby with no tongue or lip tie and a strong suck can remove more milk and trigger more milk to be made better than commercially purchased pumps. 

I expect you to be able to pump 1/4-1oz combined from both breasts when pumping after directly breastfeeding and 2-4oz every 2-3 hours when pumping in place of breastfeeding. Your worth is not measured in ounces. Nor is it measured by what that other lady on social media can pump. You’ve got this. Trust your baby and trust your body. 

If you’re struggling with pumping or how to understand the process better, consider taking my Pumped class. Or a personal flange fitting both in person and virtual.

Breast milk is made from your blood

The food you eat and the water you drink do not magically go directly to your breast milk. What you eat and drink goes first to your stomach to be broken down and then into your intestines to be absorbed and processed. Your digestive system breaks nutrients into parts small enough for your body to absorb and use for energy, growth, and cell repair. The muscles of the small intestine mix food with digestive juices from the pancreas, liver, and intestine. Special cells in the walls of the small intestine absorb water and the digested nutrients into your bloodstream. Your blood carries molecule-sized components such as simple sugars (carbohydrates), amino acids, white blood cells, enzymes, water, fat, and proteins throughout your body. As blood passes by the breasts, milk glands pull out these nutrients for milk production and pass some of them to your baby. Not all molecules are small enough to pass through into milk. (That’s why some medications are safe to take while breastfeeding and some are not. Molecules that are too big can’t get into the milk while really small molecules can.) 

Nuts, seeds, beans, and grains all have plant based proteins. Meat and dairy are animal based proteins. Both plant and animal proteins carried in your blood can make it into your milk. Sometimes these proteins can affect baby’s digestive system, causing symptoms like reflux, gas, colic, and blood or mucus in the poops from iritations to baby’s intestinal lining. Diary proteins are the most common cause of upset in the stomach, however research suggests that the proportion of exclusively breastfed infants who are actually allergic to something in their mother’s milk is very small. Fussiness and gas alone are not  enough to diagnose a cow milk protein allergy. 

In general, there are NO foods that need to be avoided because you’re breastfeeding. Every baby is different in the foods they are sensitive to. IF your baby always seems to have a reaction when you eat a certain food or a large amount of a certain type of food, cutting back on it or cutting it out temporarily may be helpful. 

Breastfeeding nipple facts

Most (not all!!) mammals have nipples as they feed their live young milk from their bodies made in mammary tissue. Marsupials and eutherian mammals typically have an even number of nipples arranged in pairs on both sides of their bodies, from as few as two to as many as 19 pairs. Some 5,600-6,000 species of mammals feed their young milk, and thus have mammary glands, but not all mammals have breasts (or nipples!!). In humans, the areola surrounds the nipple in a round shape and comes in varying sizes, on average 3 to 6 centimeters. The little bumps around the areola (called Montgomery glands) secrete an oil that smells like amniotic fluid to help baby use smell to find the nipple to latch on. In the center of the areola is the nipple, again in a wide variety of sizes shapes and lengths, and can be 10 to 27 millimeters (mm) wide by 1 to 10 mm in height. Its skin is similar to the areola, but has no oil glands. It has 4 to 20 pores where milk can come out. The skin of the nipple rests on a thin layer of smooth muscle, called areolar muscle fibers which are distributed in two directions: radial and circular. The muscle of Sappey responsible for circular fibers and the muscle of Meyerholz, formed by the radial fibers. Contraction of these muscles is responsible for the erecting of the nipples during stimulation and breastfeeding as well as the ejection of milk from the breast. How tight or loose these nipple muscles are may contribute to why some of us leak more than others and some don’t leak at all, but there is no way to exercise these nipple muscles!

Mastitis treatment

Mastitis is a common complication of lactation that at it’s most basic definition is inflammation or swelling in the breast. This inflammation often starts with an unresolved plugged duct where milk has either not be moved soon enough (like from baby sleeping longer at night or not pumping enough at work) or from the wrong size pump flange that does not allow milk to empty efficiency. Mastitis may happen with increased maternal stress or a change in the family  routine. This may be when guests are visiting, during the holidays, or when returning to work. It is not always easy to tell the difference between a breast infection and a plugged duct. They have similar symptoms, and both can get better within a day or two.

Regardless of why it started, The diagnosis of mastitis is generally made by your symptoms. It is characterized by one sided breast tenderness and redness (often with a noticeable lump in a certain area), accompanied by a fever of 101°F (38.5°C) or greater. You may feel fatigued and symptoms of the flu like, chills, nausea or vomiting, body aches, and headache. The breast will also often have a wedge shape, redness in an area accompanied by breast fullness and tenderness in the same spot. 

For treatment strategies, check out the latest video in my IG subscription or on my LA Lactation YouTube channel!

Birth control and dropping milk supply

Any birth control with a hormone in it can drop your milk supply. Hormones in birth control pills prevent pregnancy by:

  • Stopping or reducing ovulation (the release of an egg from an ovary).
  • Thickening cervical mucus to keep sperm from entering the uterus.
  • Thinning the lining of the uterus so that a fertilized egg is less likely to attach. 

The Pill (estrogen and progestin) tricks your body to think is pregnant so it won’t ovulate. Estrogen based pills will drastically drop milk supply, just like pregnancy does, and should be avoided while breastfeeding unless your weaning. Hormonal IUDs (Mirena, etc), arm implants (Nexplanon, etc), and the mini pill (progestin only) are often recommended as the best form of BC while breastfeeding because most research says that they don’t impact milk supply. Many who use these methods don’t experience any supply drop. For some, though, any hormone based BC will drop milk supply, some times drastically. Every body is sensitive to different levels of hormones. If you have an IUD or arm implant placed and notice a drop in supply, the only way to increase supply again is to remove them. Increased pumping or herbal supplements will usually not be enough to increase supply again because you’re working against hormones. If you’re considering a hormonal based IUD and aren’t sure if your supply will drop, consider taking a few rounds of the mini pill (progestin only) which is the same hormone in the IUD and implant. If your supply drops, you only have to stop taking the pill and your supply will rebound much quicker. 

Benefits of skin to skin contact for newborns


Babies are needy. The need to be on your body and all of their instincts and reflexes are designed to get them there. Their neurological system is immature at birth and still needs to develop.  Being on your body:

 🧠 Accelerates Brain Development:

Holding baby on your body increases the development of essential neural pathways, which accelerates brain maturation

🌞Calms, Soothes & Reduces Stress:

Having your baby on your body soothes baby so much that babies’ cortisol levels (stress hormone) are measurably lowered after only 20 minutes of being held skin to skin. And, remarkably, their pain is reduced when held skin to skin

😴 Improves Quality of Sleep:

Development of mature brain function in infants depends on the quality of their sleep cycling. During skin to skin, most infants fall asleep easily, and achieve what is called “Quiet Sleep”, a natural deep sleep for 60 minutes or more

💉Enhances Immune System:

Baby’s immune system is stimulated when placed skin to skin. Your mature immune system passes antibodies through your skin to baby. Being on your skin also increases baby’s skin hydration, which provides a protective barrier from harmful bacteria entering baby’s skin

⚖️Stimulates Digestion & Weight Gain:

Skin to skin contact reduces cortisol and somatostatin in babies, allowing for better absorption and digestion of nutrients, while decreasing gastrointestinal problems. With a reduction of these hormones, baby’s bodies preserve brown fat (the healthy fat babies are born with), helping to maintain birth weight and keep a warm body temperature. As a result, baby’s body does not have to burn its own fat stores to stay warm, resulting in better weight gain. After just one hour of skin to skin, the infant’s digestive system is restored to the right balance for optimal GI function

When I’m your body, baby’s body learns to self-regulate, resulting in a regular and stable heartbeat and breathing pattern

❤️ Synchronizes Heart Rate + Breathing:

Deep breathing and breastfeeding

Put your oxygen mask on first. When there is an emergency on a plane, we are instructed to put our mask on first before helping others. This is also critical when caring for our babies. You’ve just gone through one of the most traumatic experiences your body could physical do: give birth to another human being. You’re healing a dinner plate sized wound on your uterus while sweating like a pig and not sleeping for more than a few hours at a time. There are so many physical, social, and emotional changes happening to you all at once it can be easy to just ignore all of them to focus your energy into your new tiny human.

Deep breathing is one of the easiest, most convenient tools to reduce stress, anxiety, and pain. And who doesn’t have all of those after the trauma of giving birth and dealing with all of the physical, social and emotional changes of bringing a tiny human into their life? Laying on your back, feet up against the wall and focusing on intentional breaths is one of the simplest ways to reset and promote balance in your body again 

Deep breathing:

❤️ Decreases stress, increases calm. Stress and anxiety makes your brain release cortisol, the “stress hormone”, which decreases oxytocin, your milk let down hormone. Deep breathing slows your heart rate, allowing more oxygen to enter the blood stream which relaxes your brain and lowers cortisol. This results in higher oxytocin and thus more milk

🧨Relieves pain through endorphin release which can help while you’re healing your lady bits (or those cracked nips)

💎Detoxifies the body by stimulating the lymphatic system. Carbon monoxide is released by breathing. 70% of the toxins in your body are cleared just by breathing

🚗Increases energy. More oxygen= better body functions and that improves stamina. Who doesn’t need that for 2am feedings?

🩺Lowers blood pressure. Relaxed muscles allows blood vessels to dialate, which improves circulation and lowers blood pressure

💊Fully oxygenated blood carries and absorbs nutrients and vitamins more efficiently, improving your immune system against viruses and bacteria. This also helps improve digestion! 

🤸‍♀️Supports good posture. When you breathe in, your lungs expand which pulls your diaphragm down and straightens your spine. You definitely need to lengthen your spine and release that neck tension from being hunched over while latching your baby

The risks of not addressing maternal mental health include:

✏️Poor infant growth, language and cognitive development 

✏️Poor gross and fine motor development

✏️Less efficient breastfeeding or weaning from breastfeeding earlier than desired

✏️Poor infant sleep and increased maternal stress. 

When considering antidepressant use during lactation, while most medications are considered safe for mom and baby, there is no “zero risk” option. However, the benefits of using a medication to help decrease depression and anxiety usually outweigh the risks acostares with taking a medication. If a mother has been on a certain med prior to breastfeeding and it worked well for her, it would be reasonable to resume that medication while breastfeeding. Sertraline (Zoloft) is a first-line drug for breastfeeding, due to documented low levels of exposure in breastfeeding babies and the very low number of adverse events described in case reports. Prozac is generally considered safe to take while breastfeeding; however, research shows that the average amount of the drug in breastmilk is higher than with other SSRIs. 

When taking any medication, you want to monitor for side effects both in you and the baby. Most common side effects when taking antidepressants are:

🥛 Changes in milk supply

🛌 Sedation/sleepiness in baby

Poor feeding or weight gain in baby

Antidepressants can work well to help you feel balanced again. Work closely with an IBCLC while starting antidepressants to help continue and feel supported in your breastfeeding journey