As mamas we all have the same fear: are we making enough milk to keep our tiny humans alive? In the pumping room at work I get this question in all of its forms multiple times a week. With the advent of formula feeding, we have even more question and doubts about our body’s natural ability to produce for our offspring. First of all, we need to stop comparing breastmilk to formula. They are not the same. No matter how good the marketing is, formula can never compare to breast milk. Breast milk is a living, changing tissue. Formula is static and produced. Did you know formula fed babies take an average of 33% more volume per day than breastfed babies? Why? Because their bodies are only half as effective at processing it than formula. They basically need to eat more to get the nutrients and calories they need for growth. The human body was designed to consume breastmilk, therefore it is the perfect balance of calories, fat, and protein and can be maximally digested and used as fuel in the body.