How do I know baby is getting enough breast milk? Do I have a low breast milk supply?

Milk supply and sleep are the biggest concerns of new parents. One of the top reasons to wean before one year is perceived low milk supply, whether or not there actually is a true low supply. Our expectations of how much milk we should make may not actually be true of how much baby really needs. When baby wants to feed more often, fusses at the breast, or tugs/pulls on the breast, this gets misinterpreted that milk is not adequate, either in quality or quantity.
Signs of plenty of milk:
💩 6+ wet and 1-2 daily poops
💕Pain free latch
⚖️Consistent weight gain over time

🤱🏽Baby nursing frequently does not equal low milk supply
🤱🏾Baby not settling after a feeding does not mean you have low supply
🤱🏿Occasional long, frequent, endless feeding, especially during growth spurts, are not a sign of low supply
🤱🏼Waking frequently at night and changes in sleep or nap routines are normal
🤱🏻Babies don’t like being put down
🤱🏻 Breasts no longer feeling full between feedings is normal. Your body gets more efficient as time goes on. They go back to pre pregnancy size and still make plenty of milk 🤱🏾Not every one leaks. Some never leak. Leaking stops over time while still maintaining a full supply
🤱🏼 Some never feel their let down. Many stop feeling let down as baby ages
🤱🏽Baby fussing at the breast, pulling away, but still wanting to nurse does not mean you have low supply
🤱🏾 Babies want to nurse for more than just nutrition. It is comforting, pain relieving, soothing, and bonding. Being on you is safety.
🤱🏿Pumping is NEVER a good indication of your true supply as baby is way more efficient at accessing you milk (unless there is a tongue tie or oral motor weakness)
🤦🏽‍♀️It is possible for a baby to refuse the breast and still take a bottle. You can’t force a baby to latch the the breast but you can make a baby latch to a bottle.
💕If breastfeeding has been going well for several weeks/months, don’t blame the boob as the root of your baby’s behavior unless there is a justifiable cause (like taking medications or birth control, starting your period, reducing your number of feedings/pumps)