Breast storage capacity

Breasts are made of a network of ducts, covered by a layer of fatty tissue. Breast size doesn’t indicate the number of ducts you have. A small breast and a large breast could actually have the same number of ducts and the same milk capacity (the amount of milk a breast can make and store at any given time) A breast with a small milk capacity can make plenty of milk to feed baby, but needs emptied more frequently to maintain milk supply. Think of milk capacity like cups. If you as an adult need to drink 64oz of water in a day and you have an 8oz cup, you need 8 cups a day to get what you need. If you have a 16oz cup, you only need 4 cups. But if your cup is 2oz, you need to drink 32 cups to get what you need. It’s is a similar principle for babies and boobies. Those with a smaller storage capacity in the breast need to empty more frequently to tell the body to make more milk. And they may also have to feed over night longer to maintain supply. I would not expect someone with a very small capacity to pump 6-8 ounces in a pump session (although it can totally happen!!!!).

🔑 A small storage capacity is some one who makes 1-2oz per feeding. Their babies often want to feed every 1-2 hours.
🔑 A typical storage capacity (what the majority have) is making 2-4oz every 2-4 hours. The body makes about an ounce per hour.
🔑 A large supply is making 4-6oz every 2-4 hours.
🔑 A robust supply is making 6+oz every 2-4 hours and this is usually for those with twins or are using the Haakaa or pumping a lot

Parenting is hard work

Being a parent is hands down one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Being a breastfeeding parent waking up for cumulative years for MOTN feedings while being a working mom added sleep deprivation. Pair that with grief over multiple miscarriages and losing my mom to brain cancer while pregnant with Peach and I was a big ball of postpartum depression and anxiety. I am not posting this for sympathy. I’m posting this because you’re not alone in doing hard things. And feeling hard feelings. Being a parent (and breastfeeding) isn’t always the glamourous screen shot seen on social media. It’s raw and gritty and smelly and hard. And you’re not alone. I see you and all the work you’re putting in to feed your baby and stay level. Keep going. I’ve found for me being able to admit I’m in a hard spot, grieving, lost expectations is actually what helps me keep my sanity and start to get the help I need. Don’t give up on a hard day. Reach out for help. You’re not alone.

Teas to boost milk supply

  • One of the most common and traditional ways of boosting milk supply is through drinking herbal teas. Tea is an easy way to reap the benefits from powerful herbs while staying well hydrated. The primary herbs with reported lactogenic properties include alfalfa, blessed thistle, fennel, fenugreek, goat’s rue, milk thistle, and stinging nettle. While these products are considered safe for consumption in amounts traditionally found in food, remember that many herbs could still clinically be classified as drugs. In fact, many commercial drugs originated from herbs. You should use the same care when taking an herb as you would in taking an over-the-counter or prescription drug. Some herbs and supplements are known to interact with medications, and some infants can be sensitive to what you’re ingesting. Fenugreek, for example, can negatively interact with thyroid medications and decrease blood sugar, so should be avoided if you have hypothyroidism. It can also make mom and baby gassy. When considering drinking milk boosting teas, such as Mother’s Milk Tea, you usually need to drink at least 3-5 cups per day to really have it make any true difference on milk supply. Taking a pill form of an herb is a much more potent way to boost supply. As with any supplement, speak with your health care provider and/or an IBCLC to make sure the teas or herbs you want to take are appropriate for your individual situation as everyone responds differently to them.

When should I wean?

There is no right or wrong age, it is completely up to you. Breast milk does not lose nutritional value (ever), so you get to decide how long you want to breastfeed. You also get to decide when you stop and all reasons for wanting to stop are valid. It is OK to wean for your emotional or mental well being and you do not have to justify your choices of how you feed your baby to anyone.

The age of your baby and how quickly you want to wean can play a role in how you wean.
Be prepared that some may experience mood changes and feelings of depression when weaning as your oxytocin and other hormones are dropping to stop milk production. If you need a specific plan to help you quickly wean, schedule a consultation with me to develop a plan that works for you.

Tips for gentle weaning:
✏️Start when your baby has already naturally started to wean, ex. only a quick snack before nap or waking up at 2am to pacify to sleep
✏️If transitioning from breast milk to formula, you can add formula to your breast milk bottles in slowly increasing amounts to make the transition easier on baby’s tummy (ex mix 2oz of breast milk with 1oz of prepared formula for several days, then mix 1.5oz each if breast milk and formula for a few days, then 2oz of formula with 1oz of breast milk)
✏️Don’t offer, don’t refuse
✏️Wear clothing that makes accessing the breast/chest more difficult.
✏️Distract child with favorite activities or offer alternatives like a favorite snack
✏️Change your routine
✏️Postpone: “After we play”
✏️Shortening the length of feeding or space feedings out
✏️Talk to your toddler about weaning. Older children (2 years and up) can be part of the process by talking to them about what is happening.
✏️Alternate between offering bottles and the breast
✏️Be consistent – this is a hard one but it can be even more confusing to your baby if you allow them to nurse one time and not the next.
✏️Lots of cuddles. Your breast/chest is more than just food but also a great source of comfort. Showing them you are still a source of that comfort despite not nursing is incredibly important

What can I eat while breastfeeding?

Science says you can eat whatever you want while breastfeeding. Spicy food, cauliflower, broccoli, coffee, alcohol (in moderation), beans, dairy. There is no restricted list. You also do not need to maintain a perfect diet in order to provide quality milk for baby. Research tells us that the quality of your diet actually has little influence on your milk. Your body is designed to make milk to provide for and protect baby even when you’re not providing for yourself. A poor diet is more likely to affect you than your baby. Occasionally your calorie and fluid intake can impact your milk VOLUME, but not the NUTRIENTS.

  • Eat to hunger
  • Drink to thirst
  • Vitamin/mineral supplements are not necessary if you eat a reasonably well balanced diet or unless you’re deficient in particular micronutrients
  • What you eat changes the color and flavor of your milk but not the nutrients
  • Nutrients is determined by how often you empty the breast. When you’re feeding around the clock for a newborn the nutrients are different than when you’re feeding a few times a day for a toddler.
  • Your fat intake does not affect the amount of fat in your milk. It can change the kinds of fats (balance of “good” vs. “bad” fats) in your milk to some extent.
  • Eat whatever you like, whenever you like, in the amounts that you like and continue to do this unless baby has an obvious reaction to a particular food.
  • Some food proteins (such as cow’s milk protein or peanut protein) do pass into milk. If you or your family has a history of food allergies, you may wish to limit or eliminate the allergens common in your family.
  • Avoiding foods during pregnancy or breastfeeding does not help to prevent allergies in your child.

Typically whatever a food does to you it may do to baby. If you eat cabbage and it gives you gas, it may give baby gas! Or not! Some times you just have to try a food and see what it will do to your baby. Younger babies are more sensitive than older babies. So if your cauliflower upset your newborn’s tummy, wait a few weeks and try it again. As their system develops, they may be able to tolerate things they couldn’t when they were first born.

Boob barnacle

I hear this all the time from breastfeeding moms. You feel like you’re feeding the baby. All. The. Time. Trapped on the couch. In bed. Clustering feeding for days to weeks at a time.

Babies double their birth weight by six months and triple it by one year. They go through multiple back to back growth spurts. They feed more frequently during growth spurts. This increases your milk production. The closer together the feedings are, the higher the fat content in your milk, helping baby get the calories they need to grow. Each time they feed more often, it actually causes your body to make milk faster!! They are completely dependent on you for all of their nutrition and caloric intake, and your milk is the primary staple in their diet until ONE YEAR!!

Babies also want the breast for more than nutrition. During teething, being at the breast relieves pain. When baby is in an emotional or cognitive leap, being at the breast regulates their nervous system and can help calm them down. When baby is scared or stressed, your baby’s heart and respiratory rate will slow to match yours, helping them relax and regulate. Being at the breast also helps baby with temperature regulation. Your breast can warm or cool by a few degrees to help warm or cool baby.

While it can feel like you’re trapped feeding all the time, this is a short stage in your child’s development. As your child matures and grows, they will depend on you for these things less and less. Grab a snack, some water, a phone charger and the remote. I promise it won’t last forever.

Best Bottle for the Breastfed Baby

Picking a bottle can be tricky. DON’T FALL FOR THE MARKETING. So many bottles claim to be most likely the breast. In reality, look for a round nipple that gradually tapers from tip to base. Bottles that go from nipple to wide base sharply or that have pinched, flat, or misshaped nipple tips promote a shallow latch and bad tongue posture. If your nipple came out looking like that we’d have to do some serious wound care. Look for a flow that matches your breast milk flow. Babies that gulp at the breast and feed in 5-10 minutes are fine on a faster flow. Babies that take their time at the breast and newborns should use the slowest flow possible to help go back and forth from breast to bottle.

Great bottles: Dr Browns (wide and narrow neck), Evenflo Balance Standard bottle, Lansinoh, Pigeon SS

Ok bottles if you can get a really deep latch: Como Tomo and Tommee Tippee. These still tend to get pockets of air and babies tend to latch just to the nipple or colapse them. Be cautious when using these and make sure to get a good, deep latch every time

Bottles that promote a shallow latch or incorrect tongue placement or oral motor pattern: Minbie, Nuk, Mam. These nipples are pinched, flat, or misshaped. If your nipple came out looking like that you would have pain and damage. If these are the only bottles your baby will latch to, that’s fine, but be cautious when trying to go back to breast as these bottles don’t promote good latch or use of the tongue. Some do just fine, but for many it can cause damage at the breast.

Work with an IBCLC or pediatric feeding therapist if your baby is struggling with feeding from either breast or bottle.

Blue Breast milk: Is it a fore milk/hind milk imbalance?

I’ve seen several posts now circulating about blue breast milk having more antibodies for baby when mom or baby is sick. It’s become viral in some circles but it’s not actually based on fact. Breastmilk can be many colors. Breast milk can have a natural bluish hue caused by the presence of whey protein (which accounts for 50-80% of the protein content in your milk depending on your stage of lactation). This blue hue is usually more visible when the volume of your milk is high and the fat content relatively lower. This can happen for many reasons: You may notice this blueish color more when you’ve has gone a longer time between pumpings, like first thing in the morning, when your breasts are fuller from sleeping longer at night. A blueish tint in expressed breast milk is mainly due to the higher whey protein composition which is seen at the beginning of feeding. As the breast continues to empty, the composition gradually increases the casein protein, which is higher in fat, giving it that creamier, white or yellow color. It’s a gradual change as the feeding progresses. When using a pump to empty the breast, you may not see the blue color when you more fully empty the breast. Those that use a Haakaa or a milk catcher like a @lacticups may note a more blue color in the milk they collect as these devices often only catch leaking drip milk, which is a higher whey protein, lower casein content milk.

Be assured, the bluish watery milk and white creamier milk have the SAME components and are the same milk. There are not two different types or kinds of milk. It’s just the ratio of the various components like water and fat that can change based on how you’re feeding and pumping.

Those who feed their babies frequently or empty their breasts often and more thoroughly tend to have thicker milk. Those with an exceptionally robust milk supply or those who go long stretches between feeds tend to have a more bluish hue to their milk.

Regardless of the color of your milk, it is safe and perfect to feed your baby

For more information on fore milk/hindmilk imbalance or lactose overload CLICK HERE